Middle Grade Books Gift Guide 2018

December 16, 2018


When I published my post Picture Book Gift Guide 2018 last week, I promised a middle grade version and here it is! These aren’t necessarily the best books of 2018, but these are the books that touched my heart, and even though I may have read them months ago, their stories are still there. Some of them may not have even been published this year, but I was lucky enough to discover them, read them and love them in 2018. The links are to the Good Reads listing of each book, where you will also find a link to purchase them at many different venues. Many were shared with me by the authors, publishers and Kid Lit Exchange. I am very grateful to all! So here we go in no particular order!

On Christmas Eve by Ann Martin

We’ll begin with this lovely book, because this is one of my favorite middle grade December books to reread each year!

Tess truly believes in magic and that includes Santa Claus. And she has a secret. She’s going to meet him at midnight on Christmas Eve and thank him for all of the special gifts he has given her through the years. Her sister, who is in 6th grade,?cautions her that this can’t happen, but it must, because Tess has a very special Christmas wish. She wants Santa to help her best friend’s dad get well. This is a story about wishes, dreams, hope and friendship that gives you a very warm and cozy feeling. You’ll want to make it a family read aloud, if your little ones are a bit older. More

middle grade gift guide 2018The Reckless Club by Beth Vrabel

Do you fondly recall the movie, The Breakfast Club, from many years ago? If so, The Reckless Club, will bring those memories flooding back! more

No Fixed Address by Susin Nielsen middle grade gift guide 2018

Felix’s story will grab you from the very first page. We immediately feel his fear about being in a police station and being questioned by a kind, but nonetheless a police officer, about his iffy living arrangements and about his quirky, but loving mom. We learn about his astute P.O.O. (powers of observation) that help him to better understand the world around him. More

middle grade gift guide 2018Harbor Me by Jacqueline Woodson

Oh, my! This is a book we all need to read. It’s a book that’s perfect for reading aloud to classes from grades 4-12. It’s a book for adults to share in book clubs. It’s both a heartbreaking and joyful story that tells us about six kids who come together, and despite so many hardships and differences, grow to fiercely love, respect and support each other. More

In Your Shoes by Donna Gephart middle grade gift guide 2018

This is a story I will remember for a long time. It’s a story about twelve year olds, grandparents, grief, disabilities, anxiety, friendship and most of all love. More

middle grade gift guide 2018Finding Esme by Suzanne Crowley

Esme is twelve years old and lives on a peach farm in Texas with her stoic grandmother, her mother, who isn’t really aware of her or anything else, and her little brother. Until three years ago, her dad lived there, too, but then one day he said goodbye and never returned. Her grandpa also lived in their old farm house until three months ago when his heart simply stopped working. More

Louisiana’s Way Home by Kate Dicamillo middle grade gift guide 2018

When you see the cover of Louisiana’s Way Home, created by Amy June Bates, you know you’re in for a treat. And then you see it’s written by Kate Dicamillo, so of course you know it’s going to be a book you’ll remember for a very long time. And it is! More

middle grade gift guide 2018DOG DAYS IN THE CITY BY JoDi KENDALL

I was so looking forward to visiting Josie and the Schilling family in their too small townhouse that’s full of love (when they aren’t in the midst of the usual sibling bickering) again and I wasn’t disappointed. This time all the familiar neighborhood characters return, including Josie’s best friends in The Three Stoops crew. More

The truth as told by mason buttle by leslie connor middle grade gift guide 2018

Mason is in seventh grade, lives in a “tumbledown” with his grandma and his uncle (his mom died in a traffic accident years before), is very large for his age, has dyslexia and lost his best friend a little over a year ago. Mason and Benny were inseparable and stood together against the neighborhood bullies. More 

middle grade gift guide 2018where the watermelons grow BY CINDY BALDWIN

I absolutely loved this middle grade book! It’s definitely one of 2018 favorites! The imagery and the sense of place shines through on every page. The reader is transported to the small, close knit, coastal North Carolina town which is full of caring people who have known each other for most of their lives. More

the vanderbeekers and the hidden garden by karina yan glaser middle grade gift guide 201

Oh, I simply DID NOT want this book to end! From page one I was transported to a cozy brownstone in Harlem and entered the world of the Vanderbeeker’s. I felt the love and support all five kids have for one another, as well as the love they have for their neighbors who share their brownstone. More

middle grade gift guide 201the right hook of devin velma by jake burt

Oh, my, Jake Burt, who wrote one of my favorite MG novels from 2017, Witness Protection, has done it again! This book definitely gets five stars! He has written a beautiful story about friendship, extended families and the impact that social media has on our lives. More 

counting thyme by melanie conklin middle grade gift guide 201

This is a heartfelt and important middle grade novel with a great sense of place that I can’t stop thinking about.✨
The Owens family left their home, their beloved grandma and their friends in San Diego, and abruptly moved to the very strange and unfamiliar world of New York City. The plan is to go home once Thyme’s beloved 5 year old brother, Val, completes his trial treatment for neuroblastoma at Memorial Sloane Kettering, but Mom and Dad are making no promises. More

middle grade gift guide 201the last grand adventure by rebecca behrens

First of all, when I was growing up I always loved Amelia Earhart’s story and I always had the secret hope that she survived and was living happily somewhere on a desert island. When I began my freshman year at Purdue (where Amelia was a professor) and I found myself living in Amelia Earhart Hall, I was convinced it was a sign that my secret wish was true. So when I learned about The Last Grand Adventure, I knew I had to read it, and I wasn’t disappointed. More

smart cookie by ellie swartz middle grade gift guide 201

Frankie is a 6th grader with a best friend, Elliott, a dad, a gram, a beagle and a hedgehog who lives in her family’s B&B in Vermont. She and her dad are terrified of thunder and lightning, because her mom died while driving home one night during a storm. So since that time when Frankie was four years old, she, her dad and her gram have been living in and running the B&B. More 

middle grade gift guide 201breakout by kate messner

It’s just two weeks until summer vacation and Nora and Lizzie can’t wait. That means just two weeks of homework and morning announcements until they can celebrate the last day of school with the annual field day. It also means the new girl to Wolf Creek Middle School, Elidee, only has to endure two weeks in this awful place, which is nothing like her old school in New York City. More

rebound by kwame alexander middle grade gift guide 2018

Oh, my! This was my first Kwame Alexander book (I’m not certain why that is!), but it certainly won’t be my last. It’s another one of those stories you can’t stop reading, but you also don’t want to end. It is the prequel to the Newberry Award Winner, Crossover, and opens in 1988. More

Finally I want to add a link to a great post about some books you’ll want to know about it!

Gift Guide: 18 Inspiring Books Young Girls Should Read in 2018

I could include so many more titles, but I’ll stop here. Check on my Instagram account to find more of my favorites. And watch for one more post this year about chapter books and series suggestions, which is coming soon!







More about Susan

Hi! I'm Susan, a wife, a mom and a recently retired elementary school librarian with 22 years of experience. One of my greatest joys is to connect kids with a perfect book, which then leads them to a lifelong love of learning. Through my blog, I'm hoping to reach parents, their children and teachers to help them find those special books. I’m also hoping to offer some tips and techniques to use with your children as you read aloud.

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      1. Thank you so much, Jennie! Yes, Louisiana’s Way Home was really a special one! Merry Christmas, to you, too. 🎄

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