Kids’ Books to Remember and some Favorite Links

November 27, 2016


What a wonderful week it has been in our house! I am so thankful that much of my family gathered to celebrate Thanksgiving. It all began with the preparations and the cooking (which is half the fun) and ended with a delicious dinner last night with all of my kids. In between, we had a fun siblings night with my sisters, brother and spouses at our house, while the cousins gathered together at my son’s home, a great Thanksgiving brunch and dinner, a fun “turkey trot” on Friday, along with a birthday party that night celebrating my brother-in-law’s 60th birthday. We were even lucky enough to get to share the evening with some our new in-laws (after two weddings this summer, our family is definitely growing! How fun is that?!). And to top everything off, I heard some very kind words about Red Canoe Reader. What a perfect weekend!

Now that we’re all getting back into the routine, I wanted to let you know about some books to add to your library lists for your kiddos. These are definitely some kids’ books to remember!

kids’ Books to Remember: read aloud 

From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler by E.L.Konigsburg

Boxcar Children by Gertrude Warner

Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH by Robert O’Brien

Rabbit Hill by Robert Lawson

kids’ books to remember: picture books

Mike Mulligan and His Steam Shovel by Virginia Lee Burton

The Piggy in the Puddle by Charlotte Pomerantz

If you Give a Mouse a Cookie by Laura Numeroff

Zoom at Sea by Tim Wynne-Jones

kids’ books to remember: chapter books

Hatchet by Gary Paulsen

Fablehaven by Brandon Mull

Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing by Judy Blume

links for mom and dad

Tips to Encourage Kids to Spend Time Reading
25 Picture Books that Promote Empathy and Respect
a bronx librarian keen on teaching homeless children a lasting love of books

posts you may have missed on red canoe reader

beginning chapter book series list is here
Historical Fiction: reading about kids in the past

Do you have some kids’ books to remember? Please let me know in the comments! Look for a post very soon about some books to add to your holiday shopping list!

More about Susan

Hi! I'm Susan, a wife, a mom and a recently retired elementary school librarian with 22 years of experience. One of my greatest joys is to connect kids with a perfect book, which then leads them to a lifelong love of learning. Through my blog, I'm hoping to reach parents, their children and teachers to help them find those special books. I’m also hoping to offer some tips and techniques to use with your children as you read aloud.

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