Joyful Picture Books about Black Families
There are so many children’s books about the problems Black kids face in their day to day lives. It’s vitally important to share these with our children to allow them to see themselves in a book or to give children a window into children’s lives which are different from their own. However, Black kids are just like all children who try to find joy with their families everyday. These stories are about kindness, fears, family outings and joy. You’ll smile, you’ll laugh and you’ll discover loving, diverse families who are finding happiness in their daily lives.
Jabari Jumps 
By Gaia Cornwall @gaiacornwall
Published by Candlewick Press
Jabari reminds me so much of myself when I was his age. I was terrified of jumping into a pool, even though my mother had sent me to countless swim lessons. To stand on the side of a pool, let alone a diving board as everyone was expecting me to jump, was completely overwhelming. Even though Jabari feels the same, he announces to his dad “I’m jumping off the diving board today.” Of course, though, that’s a little easier said than done! Gaia Cornwall’s illustrations capture his fear, but also his determination and courage. I loved that every page included “pool turquoise” in some way, whether it was the sky, the water or the surrounding trees. This helped me feel like I was standing right there on the board with Jabari as he curled his toes around the edge. If you have a little one who may be wondering if they have the courage to jump in, this is a wonderful book that might provide just the encouragement they need to succeed.
Written and illustrated by Oge Mora @oge_mora
Published by Little, Brown Books for Young Readers
First of all, look at this cover. Do you see the pure love and delight between Ava and her mother? After a long week of being apart, they get to spend one entire day together, just the two of them without interruptions. But one disappointment after another greets them as they move through their day. First, story time was canceled, then an exploding puddle ruins their new hairstyles, the park is too noisy and finally Mommy loses the tickets for the puppet show. But as the long day draws to a close and they return to their apartment, they realize something rather amazing. Their day was truly splendid because they were together.
This small moment story will draw you in with it’s vibrantly colored collage illustrations, as you feel the warmth and love of Ava and Mommy’s day. It’s a true joy to read and you’ll want to share it with someone special in your life.
The Thing about Bees: A Love Letter
Written and illustrated by Shabazz Larkin @shabazzlarkin
Published by Readers to Eaters @readerstoeaters
This delightful journey describes a day in the life of a black family when they go on a picnic in the park. You see the joy on the faces of Dad and his sons as they chase a balloon and fly a kite, as well as their distress when they encounter some bees. Yes, dad says, there are bees in the park, and they can be annoying and their sting can hurt, but he points out without the bees all of the yummy food on their overflowing picnic table wouldn’t exist; no strawberries, no watermelon, no apples for pies, no cucumbers for pickles, no fruit for smoothies. And then he makes my favorite observation in the book. He lovingly compares his boys to bees, reminding them they can be a bit annoying, too, but he never stops loving them.
This book came to be because the author always had a “ridiculous fear of bees.” When his sons were born he was determined NOT to pass his fear along to his children. To accomplish this, he learned all he could about bees, and as he did the less scary they seemed. Not only did he create this sweet story, but he also included simple drawings illustrating what happens when “a bee and a flower love each other,” which are perfect for teaching your little one the importance of bees in our world. Finally, he has included lots of information in the back matter including bee etiquette and types of bees from “kind to kinda mean”.
Me and Mama
By Cozbi A. Cabrera
Published by Denene Millner Books/Simon Schuster Books for Young Readers
One rainy morning a little girl creeps down the stairs to find her mama. She’s hoping for some quiet time just with mama, while her brother and Papa are still asleep. The word choice and the vibrant, expressive illustrations immediately invite you into the little girl’s world. You feel the coziness of the home and the smell of cinnamon in the air. You hear Mama’s cheerful voice as she calls out good morning and then optimistically finds joy in the rainy day, when she declares “the perfect day for boots and puddles”. You understand the little girl’s joy in their familiar everyday rituals they do together. You see her happiness when they help each other choose their clothes and dress, eat breakfast together, brush their teeth, take their dog for a walk and splash in the puddles.
All in all, it’s a book about joy and family. It’s a book your little ones will find familiar and comforting as you share it together.
hair love
By Matthew A. Cherry @matthewacherry
Illustrated by Vashti Harrison @vashtiharrison
Published by @kokilabooks
It’s a very special day and Zuri’s hair needs to be perfect. There are only two problems. First, her curly, kinky hair has a mind of it’s own. Secondly, her daddy is exhausted from getting her to school, working, bringing her home, going on a bike ride and fixing her dinner, so Zuri really doesn’t want to disturb him. Soooo, Zuri and Rocky (her faithful cat) decide to take care of it themselves. All is well, until she drops her tablet and wakes Daddy. That’s when Daddy swoops into to save the day. After MANY attempts and some online help, Zuri has the perfect hairdo.
The love between this little girl and her daddy is a joy to see. Even though Zuri has doubts about her hair, Daddy assures her it is truly beautiful making her beam with pride.This reminded me of some everyday moments with my daddy very long ago. When I was doubting myself and lacking confidence, he assured me I truly was beautiful and I just needed to be myself. It’s a reminder that these small moments are so important to our children.
You will love the illustrations, too. The love between Zuri and Daddy pours out of every page. Their eyes, especially, are full of adoration and joy. These, along with the sweet story, will speak to all children and make lots of little girls think of special times with their daddy.
you matter
Written and Illustrated by Christian Robinson @theartoffun
Published by Little, Brown Books for Young Readers
This gentle book is for all of us, young or old, any color, any gender. The lovely diverse illustrations, along with the simple text remind all of us that we matter. Even if we fall down, even if we need to start over, even if we feel lost or alone, even if we are small or old, we matter. It’s a story that will touch your heart and make you pause. It’s a story to share with your children and discuss with your children as you remind them, they do indeed matter.
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2020 picture book and mg favorites!